What is Art Therapy?

Art therapy combines the creative process and psychotherapy, facilitating self-exploration and understanding. Using imagery, colour and shape as part of this creative therapeutic process, thoughts and feelings can be expressed that would otherwise be difficult to articulate.

There are certain qualifications required of art therapists.

In Canada and the United States, art therapists must have at minimum a master’s degree or a master’s level diploma in art therapy before identifying themselves within the profession. This graduate level education includes supervised clinical practicum hours (minimum requirement for all practicums is 700 hours and at least 350 of these hours should involve direct client contact), thus ensuring the safety of the client as well as professional liability for agencies and employers offering this form of therapy.

Art Therapy for Children

Art Therapy Can Help With:

  • Behavioural issues

  • Depression


  • Autism spectrum disorder

  • Learning disabilities

  • Physical/developmental disabilities

  • Anger management

  • Grief and loss

  • Anxiety and stress

  • Interpersonal issues such as bullying, and social isolation

  • Experiences of trauma/abuse

  • Attachment difficulties/disorders

  • Oppositional/defiant behaviour

  • Dealing with sibling of family dynamics

  • Identity exploration

How Can  Art Therapy Benefit Children?

  • Psychosocial support

  • Assist in coping with physical health conditions such as cancer

  • Decrease loneliness and social isolation

  • Increase relaxation

  • Reduce anxiety and agitation

  • Build interpersonal skills, and increase meaningful  and positive interaction with family and friends

  • Increase self awareness and self discovery

  • Build positive coping skills

  • Promote freedom of choice, sense of achievement, and sense of mastery, thus increasing self-esteem

Art Therapy for ASD & PTSD


In infants, the symptoms are generally observed as increased needy and clingy behaviors or withdrawn and avoidant, They exhibit an exaggerated startle response, are irritable, and cry often.

Toddler and preschool-age children experiencing acute trauma exhibit fear and anxiety that is  expressed through their body. They may cower in a protective posture, exhibit gaze aversion, or resist comfort. They demonstrate by refusing to ambulate, eat, or talk.

Young children exhibit increased or excessive fear of strangers, increased or excessive separation anxiety, and increased or excessive stranger anxiety. They can exhibit cognitive confusion and regressed developmental skills: thumb sucking, baby talk, or bed wetting. Some children experience sleep disturbance and nightmares following acute trauma.

School-age children and teens primarily exhibit anxiety, fear, shame, and guilt following acute traumatic episodes. Behaviorally, this is observable in averting their gaze, appearing withdrawn, and refusing to participate in normal activities. Shame and guilt are common and often elicit fear and depression. They may also exhibit regressed developmental skills or anger

How do we help your child/youth?

We will invite your child/youth to express their emotions through art intervention with four art therapy steps.

Expected results: Your child/youth will stop sweating with anxiety, stop having nightmares, start talking to family and friends again, as well as rejoining kids’ normal activities.

Art Therapy for Seniors

Art Therapy Can Help With:

  • Major Physical, psychological and life changes

  • Grief and loss

  • Depression and anxiety

  • Loneliness and isolation

  • Sensory-motor difficulties

  • Cognitive decline

  • Addiction and mental health issues

  • Trauma or unresolved conflicts

    How Can Art Therapy Benefit Seniors?

  • Creative process and opportunity to make own choices help to rekindle new energy

  • Stimulating the senses and sharpening cognitive and perceptual skills

  • Opportunity to learn compensatory

  • Techniques through the use of art material

  • Preserving a sense of pride and dignity by creating a tangible art product

  • Decreasing feelings of isolation and despair through social interactions and opportunity to gain recognition for one’s achievements

  • Provide visual focus for reality-orientation and non-verbal means of communication for individuals dealing with loss of cognitive and language abilities

  • Support individuals to become aware of and work through emotional reactions to losses and limitations

  • Structured activities of reminiscence and life review help integrate unsolved issues, take pride in one’s past, and connect with inner strengths and wisdom


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